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You gaze down a once familiar street. The houses that used to be so full of life are now decorated with shattered windows and broken-in doors. You can’t take two steps without having to avoid an overturned car or a mound of debris. It seems you and your friends are the only people left in the city... maybe even the world.
Suddenly, the ground starts to rumble… and you hear them.
Screeching and moaning, the relentless Zombies have caught your scent. The hoard charges straight at you, and you know they won’t stop until you've become their lunch. You quickly search for a weapon to fight for your life…
Machine gun? Don’t have one.
Machete? Last I checked, you don’t live in the Amazon rainforest.
You dig deep and pull out….
… Your Commander deck? Good enough!
Innistrad is nearly upon us, and with it's copious amount of Zombie goodness, it's perfect timing to show-off the new Magic format I've spent some time working on this year. One of the many reasons I love Magic is it's incredible depth. There are always new ways to use your Magic cards, and you can create vastly different experiences just by changing some of the rules.
Those tokens floating around those packs always seem to have a very limited use. Well, not anymore!
Introducing ….
Horde Magic!
As Mark Rosewater wrote in the article spoiling Army of the Damned, the scariest aspect about Zombies "isn't any one zombie, but a large horde of zombies." It's hard to not appreciate the Zombie creature type, specifically for it's flavor in Magic settings. It's very easy to capture the essence of a Zombie in a Magic card, which would explain its reoccurring role in sets since the Alpha release.
Horde Magic is a format sharing similarities with Planechase, Two-Headed Giant, and Archenemy. It involves players playing cooperatively against a Horde deck, which is a preconstructed Magic deck consisting of 60% creature token cards. While there could be a whole slew of different Horde decks (Goblins, Squirrels), the best and easily most flavorful creature type is our Zombie overlords friends.
Think "Left 4 Dead" Magic
The goal of Horde Magic is to survive the onslaught of Zombies. The Horde deck has no life total, so the only way to win is to... uh... not die. Eventually the deck will run out of cards and you'll be able to breath sight of relief.
Zombies generally don't do a lot of thinking. They just want you dead. So in Horde Magic, the Horde has no decisions to make, and thus the Horde deck also doesn't require a pilot to run. This creates unique co-op gameplay, which many are likely to really enjoy. Additionally, you can battle the Horde deck solo.
Okay, enough teasing...
The Rules
I've had a lot fun playing Horde Magic with friends at school and at my local store and I've been encouraged to share my format with others. If you find this concept interesting, the Horde deck can be assembled quite inexpensively, especially if you have a bunch of Zombie tokens lying around.
Starting the Game
To play Horde Magic, each player needs a Commander deck. Any other Magic deck will do, but Horde Magic was developed to play with the multitude of Commander decks that people own.
The Survivors:
There can be anywhere between one and four Survivors, which are the players teaming up to defend against the Horde. The number of Survivors determine the number of cards in the Horde deck, as the difficulty needs to scale accordingly. The Survivors have a collective life total of 20 life per player, and everybody loses when that life total becomes 0.
The Horde:
The number of Zombies you'll face over the course of the game is based on the number of Survivors. For three Survivors, take your 100 card Horde deck and remove a random 25 cards, bringing your Horde deck to a total of 75. The Horde starts with no cards in hand and no permanents on the battlefield.
Game Play
The Survivors get 3 turns to set up their defenses before the Horde takes a turn. Just like in Archenemy and Two-Headed Giant, the Survivors take turns simultaneously. After the 3 turn set-up, the Survivors and the Horde alternate turns.
On each of the Zombie's turns, the top card of their library is flipped over. If the card is a Zombie token, then another is flipped over. Cards are flipped over until a non-token card is revealed. Sometimes the card is a Bad Moon, sometimes it's a Souless One, and sometimes it's even a Plague Wind. At that point, all of the tokens flipped this way are cast, and the non-token card is cast last.
Then the Zombies enter combat. Since Zombies are generally brainless, they come charging in without thinking twice. All Zombies have haste and must attack each turn if able. That's just how they roll. Since the survivors are on a team together, when the Zombies attack, they attack every player at the same time, just like in Two-Headed Giant, and when any of the survivors choose to block, they block for the whole team.
Defeating the Horde:
You, as the Survivors, win when the Zombie deck can't flip over anymore Zombies, and the Horde doesn't control any more Zombies. You can use anything at your disposal to stem the bleeding, from Walls, to Wrath of Gods, to blocking with huge fatties. However, if you and your teammates feel that you have adequate defenses for the next Zombie attack, you can also attack the Horde at it's source. Zombies can't block, and have no life total, so it's safe to go on the offensive if you think you can survive the next wave of Zombies.
For each point of damage done to the Horde, the Horde mills one card off the top of their deck.
The Survivors are victorious when all the Zombies in play are dead, and the Horde deck has run out of cards. The Horde wins when the Survivors' life total becomes 0.
Rules Notes:
- The Zombie deck is built so that, hopefully, the Horde deck is not presented with any decisions. In order for the deck to gather the co-op experience, many awesome Zombie cards were omitted. However, there are lots of cards that the Survivors might play that cause the Horde to make a choice (such as Fact or Fiction or Chainer's Edict). In this case, the Horde makes this choice as randomly as possible.
- The Zombie tokens and cards from the Horde deck use the stack, so you can respond to them coming into to play, or counter them.
- The Horde has infinite mana, so cards like Propaganda and Mana Leak don't work. Sorry!
- If you return a permanent to the Horde's hand, it gets cast again on their next main phase.
- There are a LOT of Magic cards in existence. If something doesn't work the way it's supposed to, just come up with the most fair way to execute the card. If you can't, cycle it. This is a casual format.
Additional Players:
When you have more Survivors, the Horde becomes easier to defeat. So the number cards that the Survivors face is determined by players.
- Solo - 45 Cards
- 2 Players - 60 Cards
- 3 Players - 75 Cards
- 4 Players - 100 Cards
The Horde deck is 100 cards, so just shuffle and take a chunk at random.
The Horde Deck
This is the current iteration of the Horde deck. Just like a cube, this is a living, breathing object, so it should be altered to fit power-level of the Survivors or if new cards come out. For example, we can add Army of the Damned and Endless Ranks of the Dead because of Innistrad. I'm trying them out for now, but it's probable that 13 Zombies is just a little too good.
Magic Horde Deck
If there is enough interest, I'd be happy to write a follow-up delving into the card choices for the Horde deck, as well as my thought process behind development. However, I do feel obligated to address a few points:
- Adequate variance is a difficult place to get to. For example, my first iteration of the rules had players rolling dice to determine the number of Zombie's per turn. While you could balance the game to make it work, rolling dice is an inelegant solution to addressing variance. I settled on a set of rules and then scaled the power of the Horde deck accordingly. One of the ways I added variance to the stack was in the power level of the non-token cards–sometimes the Horde will flip a measly Maggot Carrier while other times they'll blow you out with a Plague Wind. This creates a fun tension, as player's love flipping cards.
- Because of the high variance in the stack, the stack needs to include a few resets. If the Survivors set up defenses that are too great for the Zombie deck, there needs to be some sense of urgency to actually start attacking. The threat of a Plague Wind is incentive enough to beat down... And the Damnation is a concession to Zombie blow-outs, but I haven't made up my mind as to whether I like how it plays.
- Another challenge presented itself while building the Horde deck was how to make gameplay scale with the number of players. It's not a linear scale–if you add another player, it's an additional drawstep, attack step, main phase which makes that it's closer to twice as easy for each extra player added to the Survivor team. To compensate, enchantment effects, like Bad Moon and Call to the Grave, were included. Permanents that stick around and make the Zombies better get even better if the game lasts longer, so the mechanic of adding more cards per player also becomes more appealing.
- Editor's Note: One concept tossed around in the testing of Horde Magic was also featuring preconstructed Survivor decks designed and balanced to face off against the Zombie Horde. You would essentially be selecting your class/role prior to beginning the fending off of the Horde, which would create plug-and-play capabilities if you want to play the game with friends lacking EDH decks. Plus, there's the whole fun of designing and tweaking Survivor decks, too. But this is a task to be taken on after the format has proven its worth, as these decks take time and testing. – Tyler Tyssedal
Until Next Time...
I really hope that you found Horde Magic interesting. One of my passions in Magic is discovering new ways to experience the game. While an intern at WotC, most of my finger prints can be found on the products Planechase, Commander, and TweetMTG (which I designed), which I feel have all brought something new to the kitchen table.
Magic is a game with a rich competitive aspect, but if you look beyond the tournament scene, you'll notice that Magic can be enjoyed on many different levels. I think that people are losing touch with their casual side, which is saddening.
While I don't expect to have this format catch on fire, I really do hope I inspired someone to create something new. If you like to design games, Magic cards makes a perfect medium to build something completely different. EDH, Cube, and Overextended were all products of someone saying, "Wouldn't it be fun to change it up?"
What do you think of Horde Magic?
Hit me up on Twitter (@mtg_pete) or in the comments below.
-Peter Knudson
Read Peter's followup article here: "Horde Magic: An Open Source Project"
Acknowledgements! Lot's of people helped me with this and I need to give them credit:
- Abram Jopp
- Benjamin Weitz
- Tyler Tyssedal
- Andrea Shubert
- Forrest Ryan
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this is by far the coolest new magic variant i have seen in ages. i already have one built…
bring this to Indy, im in!
I re-did a lot of his concepts with my own twists but I think you'll like what I did
so fun that everybody is screaming at empty the catacombs hahaha!!!
I'm very intrigued by this format. It's a total change of pace from the usual game and it will suit some in my playgroup to cooperate against an 'AI.' One of the things I'm missing though, is a reason to attack. Your own combat will be rather nonexcistant, since the zombies have no lifetotal, not a lot of blockers and thus, a huge chunk of strategy is missing. One solution I could think of is have the zombies as an extra hazzard in a regular game or something.
"For each point of damage done to the Horde, the Horde mills one card off the top of their deck."
So attacking is incentive by milling the Zombie Horde's deck, which is actually pretty flavorful in that it depletes the Hordes affectiveness in continuing attacks.
Yes, saw that later. It was kinda hidden in the text, and not in a place I expected it. But you're absolutely right, it's in there!
Could make 1x Morality Shift a fun one in the Zombie deck.
There would be reasons to attack of your attacking does something, such as Dimir Cutpurse. Also, since damaging the horde mills cards, that would be a good way to win.
There would be reasons to attack of your attacking does something, such as Dimir Cutpurse. Also, since damaging the horde mills cards, that would be a good way to win.
this looks F*cking awesome!!!!
Good job Pete! I look forward to the future of this. I've been tossing around different roles for the Survivor decks… Weapon/role typing like a Shotgun (think board wipes?), Sniper (burn/pingers?), and even housing your own beast with a deck that ramps into a fatty. I think that cooperative roles would be fun, because I doubt any one of those decks would be able to beat the Horde on its own.
Keep up the good work!
AMAZING IDEA!! This alone is worth my QS membership!
you do realize this was a free article? lol
our readers are -that- loyal.
This looks awesome.
Because my friends will immediately try these things:
* How does the Horde deal with Moat, Ensnaring Bridge, etc.? Caltrops and a Barbed Foliage? Seems like those cards would be auto-wins.
* Drain Power for infinite mana seems like it could do some neat stuff.
Yeah – it sucks that there are some cards that ruin the game. Moat, Ensnaring Bridge. Platinum Empiron (For the most part). There could be some awesome fix to these cards, but basically my answer is just to ban those cards. There are banned list for Commander, so it's not unheard of.
As much of a blast as this seems to be, Elesh Norn is the freaking Zombie Slayer extreme. Kills all but 7 cards out of the deck without assistance. I know there's ways to kill her in the deck, but jeez that seems to make the fight easier. :
This looks fantastic! I can’t wait to try it out, and I like how playing with Commander decks makes the fact that the Zombies have only two toughness less of an issue.
To anyone who brings up that “card X” kills the deck, just don’t play with those cards. This is about as casual as it gets, you aren’t even facing off against another person, so any “gaming” of the format should be left at the door. Build the “survivor” decks in a way that actually challenges you as a player. If it doesn’t sound fun to you, no problem, it ain’t your thing.
That said, I do think some kind of “infection” system would be fun in this and make it even more challenging. Players would need to block in order to keep from being overrun, but what if when any creatures of the “survivor team” team died, they “reanimated” and were shuffled into the Horde deck? Then when they died again, they were gone for good?
Or something like, for every 10 damage dealt to the survivors, each player surrendered one of their creatures to the Horde side?
I like the idea of restricting what the players can do more while simultaneously raising the stakes. Old school survival horror on hard mode :P.
I totally dig having people die off one by one. Seems more flavorful and representative to what actually (presumably) happens in a Zombie apocalypse. You can't really have different life totals for each player, because the Zombie's can't decide who to attack. You could randomize it, but that's usually a last resort and I'm sure there is a better solution to that.
Great idea. Sounds like crazy fun.
How about have a player randomly removed from the game each time total life points reach 15*(n-1)?
These would give the following thresholds for player death:
If that is too harsh, maybe a different multiplier could be used. 10 would return 30-20-10-0. Might work.
I haven't played it yet, so I don't know if it needs it, but you could have a stack of Zombie tokens on the side and when a survivor's creature dies, you could exile it instead of placing it in the graveyard and put a zombie token into play on the horde's side.
Would you suggest flipping a coin to see if the Zombie's would attack a Planeswalker on the board?
Thanks for the awesome idea!
interesting suggestion – definitely flavorful. My hope is that playgroups make change and add rules that make it more fun.
The way I've been playing is that the zombies just ignore planeswalkers. One track mind!
Another option would be that all zombies would attack planeswalkers and the excess damage would be dealt to the defending player. If there were multiple planeswalkers and the zombies wouldn’t deal enough damage to kill them all, the defending player/team would decide in which order they’d be dealt damage – just like they do in case of multiple blockers. The problem with this system is that planeswalkers have a really hard time surviving.
How does life gain work in this game?
Like – if I play healing solve on myself, the team lifetotal goes up by 3. The horde doesn't have a life total.
Geez, that’s unelbivaeble. Kudos and such.
This looks really neat. Here are a few more cards you might consider Syphon Flesh, Zombie Mob (Putting tokens into the hordes graveyard), Brain Gorgers, Gloomdrifter (Again, presuming tokens in the yard), Infectious Horror, Marauding Knight, Phage the Untouchable (Now a Zombie!), Rank and File, Rotting Legion, Rotting Rats/Grixis Slavedriver (With the idea that Unearth happens the turn after they die, which is how I assume Army of the Damned works, but maybe you just immediately recast it?), Tresserhorn Skyknight, Waning Wurm, Necrogen Mists, Death Pits of Rath, Death Pit Offering (nice reset, considerably ups the ante), and finally Zzzyxas's Abyss (It always comes last)
Infectious Host also doesn't work for me because of the "target player" bit, the zombie deck should just hit all of the players all of the time.
As for reset buttons, Planar Cleansing might be a nice one. It's a little more painful for the non-Zombie players, has a nice flavor impact by being white, and it gives Zombies an out to super frustrating permanents like Caltrops or Ensnaring Bridge.
Yeah I remember playing this with you and Forrest and someone else awhile back. And I remember my rock edh was a little to well suited for this because I run around 11 sweepers and multiple ways to deal 40+ in one turn around turn 6
This is amazing! I can't wait to try it out this weekend.
Eldrazi Horde:
55x Eldrazi Spawn
4x All Is Dust
2x Corpsehatch (Destroy the largest non-Eldrazi creature)
2x Rapacious One
2x Broodwarden
2x Kozilek's Predator
2x Dread Drone
2x Essence Feed
2x Artisan of Kozilek
2x Emrakul's Hatcher
2x Hand of Emrakul
2x Nest Invader
2x Pathrazer of Ulamog
2x Skittering Invasion
2x Ulamog's Crusher
1x Eldrazi Monument (The eldrazi deck must and can only sacrifice Spawn tokens)
1x Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre
1x Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
1x It That Betrays
1x Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
Additional Rules for the Eldrazi deck:
– Eldrazi spawn do not attack unless they have power greater than 0.
– Eldrazi spawn must block exactly one unblocked creature if able.
– When a mythic Eldrazi is put into the graveyard, only shuffle Eldrazi spawn back into its library.
– Emrakul is always the bottom card of the horde deck.
Sliver Horde
55 Metalic Sliver
5 Venser's Sliver
3 Planar Clensing
4 Sinew Sliver
4 Muscle Sliver
1 Plated Sliver
1 Blade Sliver
1 Sidewinder Sliver
1 Spined Sliver
1 Crystalline Sliver
1 Frenzy Sliver
1 Ghostflame Sliver
1 Talon Sliver
1 Two-Headed Sliver
1 Winged Sliver
1 Frenetic Sliver (Whenever a sliver would die from a spell, flip the coin.)
1 Horned Sliver
1 Shadow Sliver
1 Bonesplitter Sliver
1 Fungus Sliver
1 Root Sliver
1 Shifting Sliver
1 Toxin Sliver
1 Vampiric Sliver
1 Watcher Sliver
1 Brood Sliver
1 Lymph Sliver
1 Might Sliver
1 Spitting Sliver
1 Battering Sliver
1 Fury Sliver
1 Virulent Sliver
1 Sliver Legion
Additional Rules for the Slivers:
– Keep flipping until you hit a non-artifact spell.
– Sliver Legion is always the bottom card of the horde deck.
Rats Horde:
100x Plague Rats (Way cheaper than getting that many Relentless, but w/e)
Additional Rules for the Rats:
– Starting at turn 3, flip 1 Rat. Next turn, flip twice as many rats as the previous turn.
Actually, the Rat Deck wants 63 or 127 cards in it if it increases exponentially. But that's probably hard to legitimately beat.
Maybe it just goes up by 2 a turn? Either way, it's an easy budget option.
Wobbles: you, sir, are a devious, mad genius. Kudos to you
haha nice lists! My fav is the sliver deck. I think that could be super fun and it's pretty flavorful. Good work dude!
@Infectious Host: it doesn't matter which player is targeted, communal life after all.
This idea is really good to test as a goldfish, if it is too easy, play with the 100 card stack. It gives constant pressure. I'd brainstorm other tribes but it would depend on your personal preferences. I have a soft spot for elementals. Especially after Lorwyn gave us so many diverse options and tokens
TBH Infectious Host is a typo – should be Infectious Horror
Almost forgot. Soldier swarm with Elspeths. Roll die to determine her activations. Think of the tension if she nukes the world. Handle the gain life from 2.0 as adding tokens to the bottom of the deck.
This is awesome! It's like Magic: the Board Game. I can see Horde being a new alternative that can keep Commander nice and fresh. I think the weaker your Commander deck the better. It's probably a lot more fun fighting with your back against the wall trying to play yourselves out of getting eaten alive.
I can almost hear the Sliver token going up in price…
This is the Merfolk Horde deck i'm going to play tonight at a party. It will be loads of fun, i guess. Single Player is pretty hard, but random. 1-2 atm.
58# Merfolk Token
1# Vodalian Zombie
1# Meekstone
2# Wake Thrasher
1# Rebuild
1# Hollowsage
1# Coral Merfolk
1# True Conviction
1# Riptide Pilferer
1# Inundate
2# Inkfathom Infiltrator
2# Summon the School
3# Merrow Reejerey
1# Phyrexian Rebirth
2# Lord of Atlantis
2# Hysterical Blindness
1# Veteran of the Depths
1# Stonybrook Schoolmaster
1# Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
1# aura of silence
1# Waterspout Weavers
1# Isolation Cell
1# Grand Abolisher
1# Balance
1# Deepchannel Mentor
1# Rootwater Commando
1# Grand Architect
1# Sunken City
1# Day of Judgment
1# Vodalian Soldiers
1# Wanderwine Prophets
2# Gaea's Skyfolk
1# Cosi's Trickster
1# Merrow Witsniper
1# Shoreline Raider
I've been working on assembling my own horde more. From the Commander decks, Syphon Flesh is a fantastic addition to the deck
Question, would you put the zombie creature tokens into the horde's graveyard? If so, what would you do about, say, a SoulQuake?
I am absolutely thrilled to try this! Zombie Apocalypse!
I would say the tokens go to the Horde's hand and are recast next turn.
For anybody who might be interested, I translated the rules in Dutch here:…
After trying different mixes of cards, I ended up just using basic swamps and wrote things on them. Kinda made up my own stuff that would work with our playgroup. Also I put “boss cards” in. I stuck them at about 50% and 90% down in the deck. I have also thought about the zombies coming from different directions. Players have to cast creatures in specific directions as well
A couple of threads over on Reddit, where there are also quite a few comments. Figured it would be nice to keep them all cataloged for when revisions come about!……
This seems like a lot of fun! Though a couple of things occur to me.
One, considering the horde having infinite mana, zombies that regenerate – of which there are quite a few – seem kind of sticky, so maybe the Horde should not be allowed to regenerate creatures.
Secondly, Geth, Lord of the Vault is crazy broken for the Horde, so if there's ever some sort of ban list for this, he should be on it. (And Crawlspace should be on it for the survivors.) Grave Pact may be questionable too…we'll see.
Great observations! I wonder if it's time we start formalizing a recommended ban list of cards that would be silly to include in a format wanting to emulate the fun of surviving a zombie invasion.
Zombies with regenerate simply always regenerate. Like knight of the holy nimbus. Sounds fine to me.
Two more for the ban list: Aurification and Aether Flash. Both cripple the horde pretty well, I've found. XD
Also: Anything that limits the number of attackers per turn (like Silent Arbiter) or causes creatures to enter the battlefield tapped (like Frozen Aether.)
With the Scars block and the previous Mirrodin block, how come I don't see a list for a Machine Horde? All is Dust, Myr, Thopter and Golems (don't forget the 9/9 Golem from Titan Forge!)
and the 6/12 construct with trample from Stone Idol Trap
Can someone put together a Dragon Horde deck? Just got done watching Reign of Fire, lol!
I have this idea yesterday too, but I don’t think dragons will go in a herd.
@darksyn: Don't forget Construct (the one from Stone Idol Trap), Pentavite (in case you don't have enough Thopters), also play the Terminator theme the whole time.
Really amazing idea! Also i thinked like wobbles and was wondering to do a Saproling horde deck, but his ideas are great too.
I love that the minute I started reading about this format, I started dreaming up an Eldrazi Horde deck, and, ouila, one was already posted here! Great minds, eh
I just built a deck without the zombie theme, just used random cards. it's really really fun!
My buddy sleeved up the Zombie list and we played it out quite satisfactorily
I hope this well help us upper classmen in the apartments play Magic with the noob freshmen in the dorms 
We threw around some ideas for different hordes, drawing on comments from the various articles on the format. Squirrels, Saprolings, Goblins, and then I thought, well heck if we're in a casual format and I have this cool program called Magic Set Editor, why don't we think more outside the box?
Halo (Covenant), Super Smash Brothers, Pokemon, or whatever the heck you want! As long as you're willing to take the time to make it work, you can use any theme you want.
I led my playgroup to designing the Covenant deck with all made-up cards. Just gotta print them out and put em in sleeves with real cards behind them.
I haven't tested the Covenant Horde yet, but it looks really fun and exciting. To balance out some of the power of the Covenant, there's a Spartan 117 that enters the battlefield under a random Survivor's control, and there's a daunting threat of the Flood taking over via a planeswalker that runs itself called The Gravemind. The Flood can't attack if there are any Covenant on the field. Grunts, Kamekaze Grunts, Jackals, Elites, Brutes, Hunters, The Prophet, and the rest of the gang try to take over the Survivor's planet.
so I built an artifact based deck. unfortunately it's horribly underpowered in the late game. there needs to be a way to allow it to keep up, because come turn 8-10 2 of us beat down the deck with the full 100 cards. we were both using swarm decks though.
still, tremendous fun, I'd love to see wizzards print official hoard decks.
We did this earlier and somehow we wanted to make it a lil harder so we gave the horde a general… (we Used Lim-dul the necromancer)
What we did was we used his Casting cost as the turn countdown (suspend 7)
and everytime we casted a General/Commander you reduce the Hordes General by 1
kept playing but somehow we wanted to make it more Zombie extreme!
so then we decided to add a Horde counter
Everytime the Horde General dies he gets a Horde Counter, this made it more fun!.
Each horde counter Bypasses the Non-token rule.
General (with 1 Horde counter)
-(Sorcery) >> Horde counter 1
-(sorcery) >> stop
This totally made everything more challenging for us and made us struggle even more
Grapeshot(and its copies) targets, I am afraid those targets are random.
how about this?
Flaring Pain X1
The tokens go to the horde deck's graveyard, however, only the horde deck has access to them for graveyard-based effects, such as Living Death, or Grimoire of the Dead.
does trepidation blade just win?
This is awesome
Just whipped up a horde deck. I need a few more tokens and some of the rares, but this is definitely something fun to bring to the next MTG day.
you would need to ban aether flash though, as it'll most likely be unfun if the horde fails to flip a bad moon and your aether flash beats the crap out of them.
I wonder if there are enough land animating effects to do a forest horde deck. Flips until a non-land is revealed, some sort of animate effect…off to gatherer!
I REALLY REALLY also want to make a squirrel or thallid horde deck.
I just order 54 Scathe Zombies of Revised and 4th for tokens. As for the 5/5 zombie giant, I’ll just use the 5/3 Mass of Ghoul from Future Sight.
Maybe play pauper decks only? Or Noble, where you have a commander you can only cast once, only 4 un commons and the rest commons? Could be an Idea to playtest
So I told my roommate that this card should be in the horde deck……
He wouldn’t stop screaming at the thought of how terrifying that would be.
Me and some friends are going to play against a human mob hoard deck… Im assuming he put together a human solder deck but its going to be fun
We currently made decks to fight against it and each have our own roles
Mill deck
Creature Deck
and maybe a burn deck to kill off the creatures on the field
If a survivor uses a milling card on the horde, such as Balustrade Spy, or Mind Funeral, will the horde deck be milled of all of its cards and lose due to the fact that it has no land cards in it?
Because Mind Funeral is a 3-cost card, so the survivors could theoretically play one on their third turn, and instantly win the game because the horde deck will not have any zombies in it.
I would suggest milling until you hit a non-token card instead.
I have a couple of questions, Is the mana pool collective where we can use each others. Also what about cards where it says something along the lines of If human creature you control dies add +1/+1 to card, does their human creatures buff mine aswell in death? Thanks.
Also I love this btw, awesome job creating it!
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This allowed me to enjoy MTG again, after not having any friends or anyone to play with for over 15 years. I have a similar variant, but it was too complicated. This one is better. it’s now 2018, would love to hear your input on an update to this.
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