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Grand Prix Washington DC finally wrapped up, and the event was a ton of fun. We saw some great games and some great players, and I was fortunate to have a chance to do coverage of the event.
Speaking of Grand Prix, how about this?
I'm pretty sure this Legacy event, scheduled for No. 14-16, is going to be nuts. SCG has a history of doing really well with their Grand Prixs, and I think this mat may just push it over the top.
Or maybe no one will care. What do you think? Does a cool playmat make you more likely to attend a GP? What about skipping it if the mat sucks?
First eternal witness at Richmond and now Brainstorm for New Jersey…SCG is knocking them out of the park with their playmat choices.
Augh. I want this but definitely don’t have a legacy deck to justify going to Jersey. Maybe I’ll be able to hitch a ride with someone and play something cheap (manaless dredge probably)
So Solidarity was the first deck you thought of? 😉
A playmat hasn’t really been a deciding factor for me to go to a GP, however it may make me play more side events than usual. For instance, for GP “Boston” (re: WORCESTER) I am planning on going extra early to play in a side event to get the sweet MMA Bob playmat. And for GP: Detroit I just bought the playmat.
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