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Close this before you scroll down. No, really. I was wrong. I was wrong to make this post. Just close it up, go watch PT coverage and pretend this never happened. You don't want to scroll down. I'm serious.
/r/MTGGore exists, because of course it does. You saw the post I made yesterday about the deck that went through the wash, right? It gets worse. Sweet lord, it gets so, so much worse. I can't even.
If you're up to it, scroll down and see some of the posts that made me cringe. Try to guess which one made me shriek like a little girl watching a Saw movie at 3 AM.

This last one was in a post titled "Stolen collection found in trash bags under a porch"
I don't...I can't... I don't even...
I'm a firm opponent of the death penalty in all cases, but I'd be willing to make an exception if they catch whoever did this. I'll throw the switch myself. There are more pics in the IMGUR gallery, but, you don't want none of that. Trust me.
Funny how some people react to the bend test to power 9 cards.
Well, does it make me a greater monster that part of me wishes that trash bag was filled with kittens instead? Albeit the value would be drastically lower as well, both emotionally and financially. Sweet lord above. ( exhaling…passes out)
I should disagree with the notion that a trash bag full of kitten parts is worse than a trash bag full of Legacy cards, but I wouldn’t be being honest with myself.
Acceptance…the first step in our grieving process brothers…lets hold hands.