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If not, now is a perfect time to join up! Our powerful tools, breaking-news analysis, and exclusive Discord channel will make sure you stay up to date and ahead of the curve. bring you even more stuff to do while you're here! The first of many things to come of this partnership is the MarketWatch search bar you see to your right. Type in a card's name and it'll take you right on over to the Black Lotus Project, where you can see historical data for cards in chart form. Those of you familiar with Google Finance will recognize the interface used for the charts - that's because they use the same technology! How freakin' cool is THAT?
Anyway, Black Lotus Project uses data from the Magic Online Trading League, which aggregates eBay data daily. If you, the reader, have any features you'd like to see based on that data, suggest it in the comments and I will do my best to get it added. For now, enjoy the new search feature!