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Well, the Dragonmaster did it. Brian Kibler is your Pro Tour Austin 2009 Champion! The combo of Punishing Fire and Grove of the Burnwillows let him push gigantic Tarmogoyfs and Knights of the Reliquary through opposing defenses to offset the lifegain provided by his land/combo enabler. It seems the magic community has taken note - Groves are selling out all over the Internet, so it is our sincere hope at Quiet Speculation that you bought them when they were recommended last night. Unfortunately, Knight of the Reliquary is already expensive at 8 dollars, but it is possible to see him go up a few more dollars on the back of Zoo's popularity alone. He could pass 10 just from this Pro Tour, and heavy use in Standard would inflate his price even more.
Great call Kell. I was too hesitant to buy in yesterday, since I didn't have access the top 8 decklists. In the long run, what do you think of Burnwillows?
At starcitygames the price of the Willows has spiked to $9.99.