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You may have noticed that the updates on the main site here at QS are a little less frequent than they have been. No, I'm lot losing steam or switching over to writing strategy - I'm just writing for two other sites at the same time! I can't post the full text of the articles here - that'd just be rude - but I can tell you that every Monday I do a Week in Review on The Starkington Post and that every Thursday, my weekly column on ManaNation goes up. The Starkington Post series is a sort of weekly roundup of all the financial goings-on in the game, while the ManaNation series is more geared towards the basic foundations of buying, selling and trading. I encourage everyone to go check out both sites - they're great resources run by wonderful people!
Any word on that QS Iphone App? I'm getting more and more frustrated watching kids in my area trade away their lotus cobras for junk.
Could you also repost the articles you submit to Starkington Post and ManaNation on QS? That would prevent us from having to visit three separate websites to get your advice.