Comments on: The Nut Draw – The Value of Card X Play More, Win More, Pay Less Mon, 29 Nov 2010 04:01:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris McNutt Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:59:33 +0000 In reply to Paul.

Though I’ve worked with buy lists as a consumer I haven’t been in the position of needing to build a one for a shop yet so I’d be curious to see the A-E system guidelines in order to match it up with something that is strictly numerical. I’m still toying with the formulas and equations a bit, but my next article will be primarily focused on this new way of rating a card.

By: Chris McNutt Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:56:33 +0000 @Paul
Though I've worked with buy lists as a consumer I haven't been in the position of needing to build a one for a shop yet so I'd be curious to see the A-E system guidelines in order to match it up with something that is strictly numerical. I'm still toying with the formulas and equations a bit, but my next article will be primarily focused on this new way of rating a card.

By: Paul Mon, 12 Jul 2010 12:11:22 +0000 That's interesting to look at the demand as a % of dollars. Doesn't the high price of jace skew that demand a bit? If people are spending 91% of the money on Vengevines as they are on Jace and the vine is half the price doesn't that mean the vine is actually in higher demand, or does that only mean that it's twice as liquid?

When I was maintaining a buy list for my store we used an A-E system for demand as part of a risk curve. "A" cards were the most liquid so often we had to pay more for them, and we rarely bought anything under a "C". I'm tempted to pull out the old guidelines and see if there is a corresponding DV that would make sense with that model.

I guess I'm looking at demand as desire for the card without looking at the price which is actually just liquidity. Saying everyone wants Jace isn't the same thing as everyone wants Jace, but those with $60 proved it.
