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The follow article will serve as a set of definitions and explanations for terms and concepts used in “The Nutt Draw” article series. It will be updated over time.
- The Demand Matrix
Purpose: The initial intent of the Demand Matrix was to apply a portable and simply calculated mathematical structure which can be applied to any set or subset of cards in order to proportionally rank a cards actual popularity.
Method: Within a given list of cards (for example, M11, Standard, Extended etc) sum the total dollars spent within a specific and defined time frame. With the largest total spend being allocated the number 100, rank all the other cards with quantifiable spends within the same time frame as a measure of their proportional totals.
Results: To date, the sorted list and accompanying Demand Index numbers have held true to being an accurate measurement of the demand/popularity of Magic cards. The Demand Index data has also proved to be useful when applied to other subsets of cards such as Buy Lists.
- The Womby List(s)
Purpose: The Womby Lists are intended to give us a list of cards who’s average sale price on eBay is lower than the price that some online stores are purchasing them for.
Method: These lists were inspired by the comment of a reader (Womby) who was explaining what he uses some of the data I have assembled for. It was a great idea and so to make it easier on him, and give everyone else similar data these lists were generated.
Results: So far the information generated by the Womby Lists has proven to be very useful. They can be used as a direct tool for selling cards, but also as a guide for trading as an indication which cards might have better margins in other markets.
- Glossary
Cost: The monetary amount an item is procured for.
Demand Index: The value assigned to a card within a subset of cards as calculated by the Demand Matrix.
EV: Estimated Value.
Price: The monetary amount an item is sold for.