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As QS continues to grow, we continue to look for opportunities to meet more of our readers, expand our range of coverage, and tap the best new writers from around the Magic universe. Traveling overseas to reach out to our readers in Brazil, the UK, Australia, Germany and beyond is one of our top priorities in the coming year. To that end, we have submitted an essay to the British Airways Face of Opportunity contest. If we get enough votes, we get considered for an invitation to business conferences in New York and London, then a plane ticket anywhere BA flies! That means we could visit an overseas and meet our readers from across the pond. Voting is free, and you can vote daily, so please go mash that button a few times for us? It would mean a lot and it only takes five seconds!
Any way to see which ideas have the most votes?
1000 votes will be enough to get us into the Top 25, where I'm hoping my essay will take it down. i'm not sure how deep the voting has to go to get us considered, but I think breaking 4 digits wil help. there's a basic sort option on the gallery page to show all essays by vote tally.
we're around 100 now, would love to see another 900!
Should make a quasi commercial for this on YouTube.