Comments on: How Much Is a Card Worth to You? Play More, Win More, Pay Less Mon, 29 Nov 2010 03:46:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: KraZug Mon, 08 Nov 2010 11:58:42 +0000 I had a similar experience last week. One of the players at my local university playgroup (which I run) brought all his cards for me to look through. I rummaged through looking for foils for my common/uncommon cube and found a 5 or so that I wanted, cards like foil Naya Charm, Cadaver Imp, Blind Creeper etc. Nothing of great worth, except I also found a foil Daze. So I pick them all out and ask him what he wants for them, and he is happy to give them me (as he isn't at all attached to his cards and I do all the work in running the club, plus they are for my cube). Which is the point at which I let him know that the Daze is worth at least £10, and we end up with me taking it on a gentleman's agreement that I give him something for it if I sell/trade it, as he is never going to meet Eternal players to move it on. I could have just taken it and I can't imagine him ever being any the wiser, but I couldn't rip him (or any of the other players) like that.

By: Honest Trader Sat, 06 Nov 2010 02:43:14 +0000 Grats on being honest! It makes me so angry when I see my peers at my local shop ripping off kids and people just getting into the game… then bragging about it.

By: shazam Tue, 02 Nov 2010 21:00:05 +0000 I totally agree, Matt. There is a special place in hell for people who rip kids.

It is an unspoken rule in Magic that a trade is between two people; for better or worse. I break this rule for kids. They are the future of magic and while they might not know that their Tarmogoyf is worth $80 and they think your Lord of the Pit is amazing, make it fair. Give them a fat stack of whatever they want and keep them in the game.
