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Just about the first thing you hear about running a business is that it is a lot of little cleanup work. Kelly and I have streamlined a lot of QS so that things generally handle themselves and our writers and editors have the autonomy to tackle challenges. We are blessed with motivated and intelligent people that make the "you just put out fires" thing mostly irrelevant to QS.
It is, however, a perpetual learning process. Sometimes, for example, card images don't show up in articles - it's a quirk that must be manually fixed, as I did in a recent article. I don't mind doing it, though I wish I knew the root cause. We are also having some issues with the ebook sale - it sends a download link to your PayPal email account when you order, which is great, but some people don't use their PayPal email often! Tonight, I changed some of the wording on the "pitch page" to make it clearer that it went to PayPal. We will be developing a system that will ask for an email prompt or alternately, will ask for login info. I particularly like the second if we can interface it with our existing member system (which currently only manages writers and editors). That's because we can develop purchaser-specific content and host it right on the webpage, which I really want to do.
So, small little learning things here and there.
Yup, that’ll do it. You have my aprpecitaion.
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