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Like I mentioned before, running small businesses requires doing lots of little things. This past week, it was the entirely pleasurable task of packing and mailing stickers out to people who won a promotion that we ran on Twitter (@quietspec). Folding fliers I printed up, addressing envelopes, taking it to the post office, et cetera.
Buying postage on the company account meant cataloging the receipt and accounting for the expense on our ledgers, which I run. I don't have an accounting background to speak of, so it is a bit of a learning experience. My law classes, especially Income Tax, prepared me for keeping and recording everything that comes in, so that's playing to a strength.
Mirrodin Beseiged is coming up, which signals a busy season for QS as we get many new readers looking for trading guides. We want to cover the hell out of Beseiged without making you feel overwhelmed by it. We are also dearly looking for people who want to write about MTGO trading. If you or someone you know can do that, hit us up.