Comments on: The cost of Legacy – how we got here, where we’re going, and why it matters Play More, Win More, Pay Less Tue, 18 Jan 2022 03:00:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Corbin Hosler Thu, 21 Apr 2011 20:25:59 +0000 @Medina – Thanks for linking me this! I went through some of your archives because I knew you were ahead of it, but couldn't find that post. I've update the article to reflect this.

By: Jonathan Medina Thu, 21 Apr 2011 20:00:01 +0000 FYI –

By: @Chosler88 Thu, 21 Apr 2011 19:44:54 +0000 @Pi – Thanks for the suggestions, I appreciate the feedback. Releasing it as free content would be a reasonable option (but that isn't really my call). However, as Steve shows, not all our Insiders are financial experts already. As a team, we try to strike a balance between the in-depth financial information for those who follow the market closely like yourself, and those who are a bit newer to the game. Next week should hold more of what you're looking for.

@MTGVeteran – I agree, and the major reason I wanted to write this piece is that I haven't seen all of the relevant Legacy information in one place before. It's my hope that this can serve as a tool to answer the question "Why are Legacy prices so high?", which is something I've had a number of people ask me over the last few weeks.

@Steve – Thanks! Welcome to QS (and Magic!)

By: Steve Mock Thu, 21 Apr 2011 11:59:54 +0000 Good article. I only began playing Magic recently and its only because of QS that I am aware of these events sinced so many of them occurred before I started playing. It can be difficult to keep a pulse on everything that is happening in the magic arena. Thanks for keeping us informed of the past, present, and future.

By: MtgVeteran Thu, 21 Apr 2011 07:47:59 +0000 I believe establishing a properly time line for the market is definitely something to develop and maintain. Especially now since QS and it's alumni's actions are now common knowledge.

By: pi Thu, 21 Apr 2011 06:51:20 +0000 As opinions were asked, I didn't particularly like or hate this piece. It however doesn't really feel like premium content to me. I think anybody could have figured out this chain of events and most people who keep only half an eye on what's going on with magic finance wise should know this stuff. A few recommendations, perhaps some Legacy cards that still seem to have a price that's too low would have improved it greatly (umezawa's jitte comes to mind, given what the swords are doing, though that is already rising as well).

I understand this article could be seen as an into piece for next week's article, but wouldn't it then have been better to release it for free to maybe draw in a few people who want to see what follows next week? I really think this would have been a very nice article to release for free as a teaser and I would recommend to consider doing that anyway.
