Comments on: Riding PTQ Waves Play More, Win More, Pay Less Tue, 18 Jan 2022 03:00:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wade Mon, 23 May 2011 03:59:27 +0000 I understand what you are saying and what you said in the article. The concern I have is most planeswalkers that see a lot of play do something that really turns the tide of the game when the use a singular abiility and typically cost 4 mana (excluding Gideon) and I just was curious if you think for the 5 mana he can truly do that when Jace is gone. I feel Tezzeret (after playing him a lot) is the most challenging planeswalker to play because of his potential upside/downside with the top 5 ability. After playing Venser I mostly play him in random (non format specific) decks with cards like Reveilark where he really maximizes value. I really never use that unblockable ability in that color set up.

By: Patrick Sun, 22 May 2011 13:57:51 +0000 @Wade

A good reason to pick up Venser is identified in the article; the only potential is for the card to go up. Venser is selling on eBay for $10 – $12 dollars despite not seeing play in Standard. The rotation will only open up space for the card to go up in value. There isn't a reason to think the card will drop below the $10-$12 mark post rotation since its in standard, is a plansewalker and it isn't seeing play now(AKA the status quo). As the article identifies, the presences of Jace (and Stoneforge Mystic as a strategy) are so dominate that there isn't an incentive for Blue decks to play other strategies that would utilize Venser or Tezzert. If anything, you can pick up copies now and make some money when rotation happens based on speculation alone. In the event Venser show up in any top eights, the price will obviously go up.

By: Corbin Hosler Fri, 20 May 2011 22:50:18 +0000 Good article, and solid reasoning for the card calls all around!
