Comments on: Building the Better Intro Pack Play More, Win More, Pay Less Wed, 21 Dec 2011 01:38:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brad Wed, 21 Dec 2011 01:38:22 +0000 I pulled a 2nd Arachnus Spinner in my booster included with Entangling… what are the odds?!?! Just a few slight modifications to really push the spider theme and this thing is unbeatable in casual play at my house.

Then I got Sacred Assault and pulled a Sun Titan in my booster!!! Lucky and he fits with the deck pretty good. This deck combined with the Innistrad WG Humans Intro can make a great weenie deck. However, I have checked on prices to make this option REALLY good and it would cost about $200 to do so buying individual cards. Back to the spiders for now!

By: ertaislament Mon, 01 Aug 2011 16:19:25 +0000 In reply to MiniLuv.

Thanks for the comment! You're right about Kor Armory, like much of Zendikar block's precons it was a rather sad disappointment. Even Jimi- who loves the WW archetype- found it rather lacking in construction.

By: ertaislament Mon, 01 Aug 2011 16:18:28 +0000 In reply to sarroth.

I definitely agree- they're leagues better than M10. Ordinarily I tend to resist tinkering much with the decks (outside of Meddling articles for Lament), but these have definitely inspired!

By: MiniLuv Fri, 22 Jul 2011 19:18:49 +0000 Nice article. My first intro pack was Zendikar's Kor Armory. Though the tribal theme was nice, the deck was simply a white weenie beatdown with subpar artifact equipment and removal. I felt that many cards in the deck had no synergy with each other apart from fragile the Armament Master. It's more encouraging to read that Wizards has gradually stepped up the card synergy in its Intro packs.

By: sarroth Thu, 21 Jul 2011 13:46:05 +0000 I like the new precons more having read this article than I did previously. I think if I was a newer player I would like Wizards throwing in the Empire artifacts, as those are pretty sweet for casual. I really enjoy the twist on building around a tribe or other theme, as you could go Griffin tribal with the Aura deck instead, and for the Illusion deck you could go with just Blue fliers. They seem a little better since the M10 one I bought, that I don't think I use any of the cards from anymore.
