Comments on: Vintage Metagame Primer, Part One: Combo Play More, Win More, Pay Less Mon, 08 Aug 2011 04:54:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: @JoshJMTG Mon, 08 Aug 2011 04:54:45 +0000 In reply to thefringthing.

TPS and The Tropical Storm aren't the same deck. I omitted TPS because my general impression (and this could be wrong) is that TPS has been superseded by TTS with the unrestriction of Gush enabling the Gush-Bond draw engine.

I wrote this article before the Vintage champs – looking at the top 8 shows us that the Tendrils deck was a Tropical Storm deck (though that is of course just one event).

(For reference:… is the top 8 coverage. Decks are Slash Panther MUD; Minus Fifteen; Painter with Tinker,Jace, Vault, and Mystic Remora; Tropical Storm; Dredge; 2 Meandeck Bob/Gush; 1 BUG Tempo with Null Rod.)

By: thefringthing Mon, 08 Aug 2011 04:27:31 +0000 The Tendrils list posted doesn't strike me as typical of "TPS". Take a look at Sperling's and DeMars' articles on SCG if you're interested in that sort of deck.
