I'm on board with Doug on this one. Seems like you'd have to fill your deck with terrible cards to ever get him into play. It's cute when you have 3-4 squad hawks in your bin, but even once you cast him, hes just a flying beater that isn't even guaranteed to get in for a swing. Oh yea, squad hawk won't even be around at the same time as this guy… I think that makes him nigh unplayable even. Conditional cards like this one feel like a "trap".
]]>This guy? God forbid you draw two during the course of a game, they'll never come out. Three guys in the yard means you need a lot of Illusions dying or you need to be grinding some seriously bad Looter cards in a deck full of bad looter cards. Then the opponent points their GFTT at it or attacks into it; do you block, remembering that Dismember before combat damage is a serious possibility? Do you let a 1/1 through for fear of having to set the whole thing up again? If this dies, you have to do the whole setup over again; if it gets O-ringed or something similar, you don't even have that option.
The setup to get this thing out ONCE is too much for a mere 5/6 flier.