
Introducing QS Blogs!

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Hey all,

We are rolling out a new test feature today called QS Blogs.  I got this idea from Forbes Magazine, where I am now a contributor.  It's been really successful for them, so we're co-opting the model.  I'll be using it from time to time, but as you all probably know, the majority of my work on the site revolves around back-end work.

If you're interested in being a blogger,  just email us and we'll talk.  Approved bloggers won't have any deadlines or schedules, so it's a great way to get started as a writer without the pressure.   We will routinely review the blogs to look for new columnists, so if you're aspiring to be a writer for our site, this is a great place to start.

Hope you all enjoy the new feature, and be sure to give lots of feedback so we can keep improving.

Kelly Reid

Founder & Product Manager

View More By Kelly Reid

Posted in QS Blogs

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