Comments on: Hitting the Wall: How to Renew Deckbuilding Inspiration Play More, Win More, Pay Less Wed, 22 Feb 2012 16:37:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Zok72 Wed, 22 Feb 2012 16:37:46 +0000 I've found that one limit that really helps make my decks more interesting is forcibly removing any "vanilla" cards. Big ugly monsters like Akroma (either version), which are just a pile of good abilities are usually the first to go. After that I usually get rid of powerful but boring spells (I rarely play wrath, day of judgement, or damnation because they're just not interesting). If a card doesn't do something you can't find on other cards I cut it. I also cut eldrazi and the colossi (blight and dark steel) because there's not reason to play colorless cards in commander unless they're on theme.

By: john Wed, 22 Feb 2012 12:34:25 +0000 Perhaps the best advice you've said is putting restriction on your deck building process. It really forces you to get creative and keeps you away from your staple card choices. It was refreshing for me to build my 5color all gold deck since I didn't have access to my usual card choices.
