I know at least at some point a digital copy was circulating the web. I very much like the dice game named 31 myself, also as an actual game. Confused the hell out of a friend of mine who studies math by winning like all 20 games we played as he knew there would have to be a pattern but couldn't quite figure it out.
It's like a 10 year plan (if not more), just very happy to have finally obtained a Beta Bayou :).
]]>If I start getting into that kind of stuff my article loses any pretense to cohesion or motif whatsoever and I become just the hodge-podgiest article on the internet. Do people want to see me talk about M13? I think we do a pretty good job of covering that stuff on Brainstorm Brewery.
]]>Rather cool… until you namedrop him and ask how cool it is, of course 😉
I keed.
]]>Good call. I may scour that tome a little and put some of the advice I glean from it if I manage to get ahold of Elden and do a followup article.
Good luck on the 40 duals quest.
]]>I am with steveexplosion; watch the video again. Or, like I did, watch it again, and again, and again. Pause it. Takes notes. Watch through once just watching his left hand, then again for his right. I take my editorial responsibility very seriously and I wouldn't publish lightly a criticism of a player like this if I was not prepared to stand behind it. The community has categorically denounced this guy, I'm hardly the first one to call him a pathological cheater.
Do you happen to know him personally? I'm very interested in hearing his side of it, and Corbin and I mentioned on BSB last night we want him on the cast to tell his side. I'm very amenable to interviewing him for a followup article, also, so I'm obviously a little disappointed that you categorize what I consider a carefully-written, well reasoned article out of hand as "unfair"
]]>Watch the video again. The Batterskull card is quite separate from his hand, and he does pull it in. That's no error, that's definitely a cheat. Furthermore, before that moment, whenever his hand goes face-down on the table, it's in front of him, by his lands. Only during the cheat does he decide to put his hand down right by his deck. It was clearly intentional cheating, not just a crime of opportunity.
]]>No comment on the cheating itself, but I can highly recommend the book How to Cheat at Everything by Simon Lovell. Should give you good insight in the ploys that could be used against you.