Comments on: Insider: Your Guide to Trading At GenCon Play More, Win More, Pay Less Tue, 18 Jan 2022 02:56:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Slack Wed, 01 Aug 2012 20:44:02 +0000 Great article. I especially like the last part about extending your horizons. Anyone who spends 100% of their GenCon trapped in CCG area is missing the point. Get out there and network, explore, and learn. Take a while to tour the whole convention, try some games you've never heard of and get your picture taken with a cosplayer or three. This year my friends and I are trying True Dungeon for the first time, we've been coming for years and always talked about doing it. It looks like a blast. A trip around the convention can be profitible, too. Some companies give exclusive promos and swag for trying their games that you can turn around and hock on Ebay after the convention. I heard this year there's a WotC dice giveaway for people who test their D&D product line, for instance.

Oh, and one more tip: TWITTER RULES at GENCON! There are tons of "First person to find me wins a freebie!" tweets that roll all throughout the convention. One year I spent a whole day 'Swagsurfing' and tried to win as many of these as I could while grinding demos for swag all day. I came away with hundreds of dollars in shrinkwrapped nerdery without having to trade anything at all for it. The gift bags they give out when you get your badges are rather pitiful these days, but if you do your homework and find out where the good giveaways are you can do quite well on free or discounted gaming product.

By: @Chosler88 Tue, 31 Jul 2012 21:48:45 +0000 Good article, and I can vouch for the 4 a.m. thing. Kelly and I got our best trades of the weekend around that time last year.

By: JerseyBricklayer Tue, 31 Jul 2012 19:21:36 +0000 I think I will be carrying around my backpack on my front. Who cares if it looks stupid.

By: jruss Tue, 31 Jul 2012 13:36:20 +0000 I've been to GenCon the last 5 years and it's always something I look forward to. Based on my own observations, you somewhat undersold how bad the theft has been in recent years. There are groups of professionals at work in the TCG halls. Last year, the guy sitting across from me got his deck swiped while we were playing in a limited event and neither of us saw it. I also heard both participants in the finals of the legacy event got their decks swiped. Please keep a close eye on your stuff everyone!

By: douglaslinn Tue, 31 Jul 2012 12:42:04 +0000 In reply to pi.

If I were stealing from you, I'd take it anyway and cut the lock off later. I could just use a pocket knife and slash through the bag in the privacy of my hotel room. I think the best policy is to only keep a few small binders on you.

I also want to make QS-branded fannypacks so people can carry their decks around…

By: douglaslinn Tue, 31 Jul 2012 12:40:26 +0000 In reply to Zod1966.

I don't know if it's at GenCon specifically but this happened at GP: Indy last year, which is in the same city. You just can't catch a break!

I have this mental image of a dude chasing another guy out of a bathroom with his glory hanging out, shouting in pursuit.

By: pi Tue, 31 Jul 2012 08:15:04 +0000 I'm wondering, would you recommend in favor of or against putting locks on your backpack? On one end it makes it much harder to take anything out, so it'll be a deterrent, but at the other end it does make the backpack look far more interesting.

By: Zod1966 Tue, 31 Jul 2012 05:32:53 +0000 You're kidding??? People actually push you down and grab your backpack while you're taking a leak at the Gen Con? Wow…crazy!
