The EV on these events crashed along with the pack prices. With almost no interest in drafting MED2, 3 or 4, the value of prizes dropped accordingly. For players this was bad news. As you say it was difficult to justify the cost of playing sealed deck. For speculators it means that supply will have only increased marginally, and that recent price drops were probably due to panic selling and were based in fear and emotion rather than any fundamental reason.
]]>I got a mana crypt in my first sealed and couldn’t sell it to any regular bot (at least for a normal price), so that really stopped me from playing more, because 20 tix is a lot.
I also won 1 booster of each that event (2 wins out of 3) which i cannot even use to re-enter an event, another reason to stop playing.
Only good thing is maybe I’ll win the FoW-price-contest (won the last one with tarmogoyf :p).