Comments on: Insider: New Year’s Resolutions Play More, Win More, Pay Less Tue, 18 Jan 2022 02:54:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matthew Lewis Fri, 28 Dec 2012 16:43:45 +0000 In reply to Sebastien Morin.

Thanks for reading, posting calls in advance definitely is not a sick brag. And an honest assessment of a portfolio (with all the winners and losers included) doesn’t count as a sick brag either I feel. I liked reading about how your speculating had worked out for you in the forums and good luck to us all in 2013.

By: Matthew Lewis Fri, 28 Dec 2012 16:38:31 +0000 In reply to koen_knx.

Glad to hear you are still on board with QS. Here’s to more Godless Shrines and less Skaab Ruinators in your binder, =)

By: Matthew Lewis Fri, 28 Dec 2012 16:36:24 +0000 In reply to Nikolas Mohammed.

Thanks for reading!

By: Sebastien Morin Fri, 28 Dec 2012 15:13:44 +0000 Very Nice article again Matt. I have been here a whole year now and bragging is sometimes tempting, to reassure myself that some of my calls were right. For the next year my resolution is to post more of my calls and see how they turn out. No bragging if i let ppl know in advance my moves and see how wrong it can go!

By: koen_knx Fri, 28 Dec 2012 14:27:34 +0000 Looking forward to reading more of you in the new year; glad you confirm on the ISD-mythics-fiasco… i bought 18 Skaab ruinators back then for 2.85 a piece and must say I was pretty surprised to read they (FINALLY) started to rise over 2 tix again… those cards are my beacon for what can go wrong in speculating lol, if i could break even on them that would allready be considered a succes !

This was my first year of speculating and I feel I learned a lot, and mostly of the mistakes (because I’m not that wealthy ?); I will never buy in on ‘promising rares’ again(to name 1 : Kessig Cagebreakers), or at mythics during the prime months of a set (Bought 12 Vraska at 8,5 –> sad face… guess I’ll have to keep those in the Skaab Ruinator Binder :p).

After all I feel I did not earn enough to pay for my subscription this year (allthough it might be close thx to the ISD-lands and godless shrine), but I made a good foundation for my speculating chances.

I considered cancelling the subscription but I feel I find too much value still here in these articles and on the mtgo-forum (and it’s fun to be part of it).

By: Nikolas Mohammed Fri, 28 Dec 2012 14:19:07 +0000 I make plenty of mistakes in speculating, almost as many as things I get right. There is a great benefit to the QS community from sharing one’s specs that didn’t pan out. I am also learning that the number of years in the speculating game is very important. I have viewed Magic with a speculative eye for a little over a year now and have already made some mistakes that are quite obvious and easy to avoid to those who have been at it for several years. Thanks for the insights.
