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Edit: welcome Redditors! If you're looking for extra reading, you can check out our Top 10 Constructed Cards article for Gatecrash, too.
Every Prerelease, we put out a price guide cheat-sheet for everyone on the mailing list. This should come in handy for anyone going to an event this weekend. To get it, simply go here:
The QS Gatecrash Cheat-Sheet
Want to show your thanks? Hey, the best way is to learn a little bit more about Insider and consider joining up, but you'd also do a tremendous service to us and your friends if you print out a few extra copies of this or forward this email to people who would be able to use it. Prereleases are filled with part-time players and people who might not know the value of their cards; you can be a real asset to your M:TG community by helping newbies with trades and prices and not ripping anyone off. We believe that the best traders are the ones who invest in their local groups, because they make friends and trade with them every time they walk into a shop.
Have a great time at the Prerelease.
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