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Our BNG Prerelease Cheat Sheets Are Here!
We make handy PDF cheat sheets of all the valuable cards from new sets, and the Born of the Gods ones are here. Due to popular demand, we've made them both alphabetically listed and price-sorted, so you can use either that you prefer.
BNG Cheat Sheet (Price Sorted Version)
BNG Cheat Sheet (Alphabetical Version)
If this is your first pre-release, we've got a handy article for you, written by Kelly Reid (who founded QS). You can find it here on Forbes.
First Impressions On The Price Lists
First, I haven't seen a list this low-value since Dragon's Maze. BNG is likely to be a lot of fun to draft, but just about all of the mechanics revolve around that. Beyond a banner Planeswalker and Xenagos, we've just got Brimaz to look forward to opening. I've got a feeling that Cat Power is going to be the Voice of Resurgence in this set - the card that stays high because the set has to be worth enough for MTGO redeemers to cash in on (that's a big topic, one I'll go into somewhere else).
If you don't need these cards this weekend, then you can safely wait for them to drop in price; a lot of them will. I expect any Temples that you open to trade swiftly - people want to put them into existing decks and want playsets. You'll stand to make great trades if you can trade off Temples to willing partners.
One pack per draft until JIN.
Good eye, fixed!
The weird thing is, my name is Jarred and I was about to post the exact same message…
I really like your wordpress template, exactly where do you get a hold of it through?
The BNG Prerelease Cheat Sheets | Quiet Speculation – Learn. Trade. Profit.
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