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Hello everyone! Today we will take an extensive look into the Modern Melira Pod combo deck. This article will provide valuable information to anyone relatively unfamiliar with the Modern format, or thinking about picking up the deck for themselves. Modern is a dynamic format with a ton of different decks capable of winning a tournament, and the recent Banned and Restricted update has only increased the diversity of the field. In spite of this, Birthing Pod strategies are just as popular as ever thanks to the resurgence of hyper-aggressive Zoo decks that build a game plan around the now-unbanned Wild Nacatl.
At its core, Melira Pod is a creature-based combo deck. It generates value by utilizing creatures with powerful abilities that trigger when it either enters or leaves the battlefield (ETB and LTB). We want to flood the board with creatures that our opponents cannot easily kill and end the game with one of a few infinite combos built into the deck. The deck is named after Birthing Pod, a card that allows us to unlock all of the potential value from creatures like Voice of Resurgence, Kitchen Finks and Eternal Witness. More importantly, it is crucial in finding our combo pieces to generate infinite life gain and/or infinite damage. This deck's main advantage is its ability to search up many singleton creatures that hose many opposing decks. While other strategies will need to include 2, 3 or 4 of a "hate" card in the sideboard, Melira Pod can include a single copy in the main deck if necessary.
Here is a sample deck list, though I encourage players to play with and tune the list as the format progresses. The Pod engine is versatile and powerful so this deck can adapt quickly to changes in the Modern metagame. For another Melira Pod list, check out Conley Woods' Pro Tour: BotG deck which uses Knight of the Reliquary as a sort of "Birthing Pod for Lands".
Untitled Deck
The Infinite Combos
A note about infinite combos: if a player is able to execute a combo an unlimited number of times without interruption, as described below, they do not need to perform the individual steps each time. They simply execute the combo and declare how many times they wish to repeat it. Just pick a number, but make sure's it's high.
The Pieces: Viscera Seer or Cartel Aristocrat, Melira, Sylvok Outcast and either Kitchen Finks or Murderous Redcap.
What You Get: Infinite life or infinite damage.
How It Works: When a creature with Persist dies, it returns to the battlefield with a -1/-1 counter if it did not already have a -1/-1 counter on it. Normally, Persist creatures come back exactly once but, because we have Melira in play, none of our creatures can receive -1/-1 counters. Persist does not check to see if the -1/-1 counter is successfully placed, only if it existed when the creature died. Thus, our creature returns to play and its ETB effect triggers. With a way to repeatedly sacrifice our own creatures, we can recur this loop and gain infinite life with Kitchen Finks or do infinite damage with Murderous Redcap. GG!
The Pieces: Archangel of Thune and Spike Feeder.
What You Get: Infinite life and infinite +1/+1 counters on your creatures.
How It Works: This combo is used less often because the individual cards are not very good by themselves. Remove a counter from Spike Feeder to gain 2 life, which will trigger the Archangel, which will then replace the counter removed from Spike Feeder. Proceed to gain a million life and have a million +1/+1 counters on all of your creatures (except Spike Feeder). You still have to win with damage but you'll have all the time in the world to do so.
The Pieces: Viscera Seer or Cartel Aristocrat, Murderous Redcap, Phyrexian Metamorph, Reveillark
What You Get: Infinite damage.
How It Works: This combo is used less often, but is worth knowing about if your Melira ever gets exiled or you are limited in creatures to feed into Birthing Pod. Fisrt, Phyrexian Metamorph must be copying Reveillark. Sacrifice Metamorph to either the Seer or the Aristocrat to trigger Reveillark's LTB effect. Since Metamorph is in the graveyard when the trigger is put onto the stack and has a power of 0 when in the graveyard, it is a legal target and returns to the battlefield. At this point, copy Murderous Redcap to trigger its ETB effect, doing 2 damage to the opponent. Since Redcap ( and thus, Metamorph) has Persist, sacrifice the Metamorph again. The Persist trigger will resolve and Metamorph will ETB again, this time copying Reveillark. In short, you are just alternating between copying Reveillark and Murderous Redcap each time the Metamorph comes into play. Note this combo only works with Murderous Redcap and not Kitchen Finks, as the little ouphe cannot be targeted by Reveillark’s ability because it has a power of 3.
Non-Combo Card Choices
4 Birds of Paradise
3 Noble Hierarch
These creatures allow us to play our more expensive spells earlier in the game. We get extra value from Podding them away into larger threats as the game goes on and extra mana becomes less relevant. They are also surprise attackers when we need to get there with a Gavony Township. Noble Hierarch is a bit of a downgrade from Deathrite Shaman, but not having to play against opposing Deathrite Shaman makes this trade-off well worth it.
2 Wall of Roots
This card got much better with the unbanning of Wild Nacatl and generates an extra mana when convoking Chord of Calling. We can Pod into him to generate green mana right away, which is effective against Blood Moon, which otherwise demolishes our mana base.
4 Birthing Pod
This is the best card in the deck, and probably in the whole format. Generating incredible amounts of value with the creatures we play while getting whatever utility card we happen to need at the moment is what makes this deck a fierce competitor. I would not recommend cutting down on this card, no matter how prevalent Wild Nacatl becomes.
3 Chord of Calling
With Green Sun's Zenith not coming off the ban list anytime soon, we are forced to play this instead. It can be quite obvious we have this card in our hand when we pass the turn without attacking with some of our creatures, but it gets the job done. Fetching out a Spellskite at instant speed in response to a Splinter Twin being cast is a pretty good feeling. Auras are targeted spells, which means Spellskite can change the target of Splinter Twin.
Combo Pieces
4 Kitchen Finks
2 Murderous Redcap
1 Viscera Seer
1 Melira, Sylvok Outcast
1 Cartel Aristocrat
These are the essential combo pieces. We only play one copy of Viscera Seer and Melira because those cards don’t really do a whole lot outside of our combo. Cartel Aristocrat is simply there as a 2 CMC sacrifice enabler we can Pod into from Birds of Paradise or Noble Hierarch. The 4-2 split between Finks and Redcap exists because Kitchen Finks is just the better card. Coming down a turn earlier, keeping us alive, and actually trading with Wild Nacatl in combat give it the edge over Redcap. Gaining infinite life is usually enough to win the game against most opponents, so Murderous Redcap is basically Kitchen Finks #5 and #6 for enabling our combo.
1 Voice of Resurgence
Voice is not quite as powerful as it used to be since the printing of Anger of the Gods, but it is fine as a one-of. Discouraging the opponent from playing removal on our turn allows us to operate more freely, and sacrificing Voice to Aristocrat or Seer allows us to attack for large chunks of damage when timed properly.
1 Scavenging Ooze
Gets pretty big when the opponent is killing all our stuff. Being able to search up graveyard disruption is quite useful and I have seen him team up with Archangel of Thune to take down some Friday Night Magic standard tournaments. He's versatile, cheap and efficient.
1 Spellskite
Spellskite is important for protecting our combo from Lightning Bolt and other pesky removal spells. We will randomly win games against Splinter Twin, Boggled Enchantments, and Infect merely by having him in play. Also passes the four toughness test against Anger of the Gods and Wild Nacatl.
1 Qasali Pridemage
I’m pretty sure the Bill Nye/ Ken Ham debate was on whether we want Qasali Pridemage or Harmonic Sliver in this slot. I went with Pridemage here. Sliver leaves behind a body we can feed to Birthing Pod, but chances are if Pod is in play we are already winning. Pridemage is better at getting the opponent dead, and we can play it early, beat down for a while, then sacrifice it (using colorless mana) it when we need instead of holding it in our hand; highly relevant against Blood Moon.
2 Abrupt Decay
I used to go with Thoughtseize here. That is a perfectly fine choice but Abrupt Decay is just a better draw off the top of the deck in the late game, and in a lot of games we are reliant on good top decks.
1 Orzhov Pontiff
This is likely the most confusing card you have ever read. We can activate his trigger twice in the same turn by playing him, sacrificing him, then killing whatever creature you haunt with him.
1 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
This is the trump card in mirror matches. He stops mana dorks, creatures enchanted with Splinter Twin, Arcbound Ravager, and has that ever-important 4 toughness.
3 Gavony Township
We often win the game with this card because it resets our Persist creatures by canceling out the -1/-1 counter. When a creature has both a -1/-1 and +1/+1 counter on it, state-based effects remove them both simultaneously; they do not remain on the creature together. , Gavony Township turns our mana dorks into threats in the late game.
3 Misty Rainforest , 3 Marsh Flats, 4 Verdant Catacombs
It might feel strange playing so many fetches without Deathrite Shaman and with Zoo running around, but we are playing the appropriate number of basics to cast our spells. Thinning our deck of lands is good against removal-heavy decks since we will want to maximize the chances of drawing threats in a long game that relies on top-decking.
Notable Exclusions
Knight of the Reliquary: Conley Woods' addition of Knight was pretty interesting. I just don’t think there are enough utility lands to get real value out of this. We would rather play something we can Pod away happily, though we might want this just to fetch Gavony Township. He also gets huge with heavy usage of fetch lands.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben: She sees play in some sideboards but the only matchup you want it against is Storm and they can combo through it with Pyromancer Ascension. Tacking on an additional 1 colorless mana cost to whatever spell kills her is rarely worth it.
Fauna Shaman: This card is not as good here as it is in the Kiki Pod list. We want to take advantage of the ETB/LTB effects on all of our creatures and she has neither. Also, she dies to everything.
Avalanche Riders: This card is difficult to cast now that we have lost Deathrite Shaman. The Tron deck has plummeted in numbers since the unbanning of Nacatl, so it is not nearly as important to be able to attack lands.
Sideboarding Guide
In: 1 Burrenton Forge-Tender, 1 Obstinate Baloth, 1 Path to Exile, 1 Thrun, the Last Troll, 1 Sigarda, Host of Herons, 1 Shriekmaw.
Out: 1 Cartel Aristocrat, 1 Phyrexian Metamorph, 1 Orzhov Pontiff, 1 Chord of Calling, 1 Ranger of Eos, 1 Birthing Pod.
We want to come out fast and play Kitchen Finks. Their best cards against us are Ghor-Clan Rampager and path to exile. Be conservative with your life total here. Cutting a Pod is fine to preserve your life.
Splinter Twin
In: 2 Thoughtseize, 1 Sin Collector, 1 Thrun, the Last Troll, 1 Path to Exile, 1 Sigarda, Host of Herons.
Out: 1 Scavenging Ooze, 1 Archangel of Thune, 1 Spike Feeder, 1 Murderous Redcap, 2 Kitchen Finks.
Pro Tour: BotG introduced some innovative new decklists for this archetype, so you will have to use your own judgement when deciding what to take out. Linvala and Spellskite do pretty good work against the combo.
Melira Pod (mirror)
In: 1 Path to Exile, 1 Harmonic Sliver, 1 Shriekmaw.
Out: 2 Wall of Roots, 1 Viscera Seer.
With so many copies of Kitchen Finks running around, winning by dealing 20 damage is pretty difficult. The surest route to victory is to get out Linvala. Linvala in play makes it impossible for the opponent to combo or tap creatures for mana, and flying is relevant for the inevitable ground stall. Note that copying an opponents Linvala with Phyrexian Metamorph ensures it can never die to a Shriekmaw.
In: 4 Thoughtseize, 1 Sin Collector, 1 Sigarda, Host of Herons, 1 Thrun, the Last Troll
Out: 3 Chord of Calling, 2 Abrupt Decay, 1 Orzhof Pontiff, 1 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
These decks vary a lot between builds. It's possible we want Burrenton Forge-Tender if they are a more controlling build that has Anger of the Gods.
Boggled enchantments
In: 1 Harmonic Sliver
Out: 1 Phyrexian Metamorph
We don’t board much in this matchup, as we already have Spellskite to steal the enchantments. This is likely a race to see if you can combo before you die. Rancor is their best card against you, so if you can deal with that you should be able to beat down with Kitchen Finks for days.
In: 4 Thoughtseize, 1 Aven Mindcensor, 1 Sin Collector, 1 Thrun, the Last Troll, 1 Sigarda, Host of Herons, 1 Burrenton Forge-Tender
Out: 2 Abrupt Decay, 1 Linvala, Keeper of Silence, 1 Phyrexian Metamorph, 1 Orzhov Pontiff, 1 Scavenging Ooze, 1 Viscera Seer, 1 Murderous Redcap, 1 Kitchen Finks
You want to pick apart their hand as much as possible, since none of our creatures really do a whole lot. Keep up Chord of Calling to get Forge-Tender in response to Anger of the Gods or Firespout.
In: 1 Path to Exile, 1 Harmonic Sliver, 1 Kataki, War's Wage, 1 Obstinate Baloth.
Out: 2 Wall of Roots, 1 Voice of Resurgence, 1 Birthing Pod
Get Kataki and Spellskite out and watch your opponent make the same face Peyton Manning did at the end of the superbowl (aka 10 minutes into the game). One thing to note is that with a Melira out, Inkmoth Nexus will still be an infect creature if it gets activated, and will deal a whopping zero points of damage to you.
A few tips and tricks
I have witnessed new players allow a Birthing Pod to activate, then attempt to “respond” to whatever creature was gotten as though the creature was on the stack. This isn’t how it works! Once a Pod activation or Chord of Calling resolves, that creature is in play. Your only opportunity to respond is upon the declaration of the spell or ability, and you won't know which creature your opponent will fetch.
Activating Gavony Township while a persist creature has a -1/-1 counter will cause both counters to fall off.
You can cast Chord of Calling and declare X to equal a number greater than the casting cost of the creature you are fetching because it is worded as "a creature with converted mana cost X or less". This is an effective way to bluff an opponent, but is almost never important. You should always prioritize keeping mana up to pay for a potential Mana Leak, and keeping blockers back to prevent losing needless life. Still, if you think there is a situation where this bluff will generate value at no opportunity cost, go for it.
Going forward, Melira Pod is not going away until Wizards decides they have to ban Birthing Pod (not anytime soon, I hope!). Until then I plan on squeezing as many victories out of this deck as possible. This deck just keeps getting better as more powerful creatures are printed (Archangel of Thune and Voice of Resurgence to name a few recent ones) and I would expect this trend to continue. Hopefully this article will help some of you sleeving up Birthing Pod at Grand Prix Richmond, and thanks for reading. I'll be answering questions in the comments below so please speak your mind.
As a Melira Pod player in Modern (since the format’s inception), I love this article. Thanks for the thorough primer. Couple other questions to think about:
– What about Nekrataal in the sideboard instead of Shrikemaw? I know some older builds ran this guy.
– I currently run 1x Restoration Angel in my main-board. She is so good with the beatdown plan, and my favorite play is to pod away Finks, persist Finks back, get Resto Angel, blink and reset Finks. It’s basically a free creature and 2 life. I used to run 2 Resto Angel and a Kiki-Jiki, since then you can have another infinite combo. But drawing Kiki is just terrible, and the manabase becomes too greedy to try and cast him.
– What do you think of Zealous Conscripts? I’ve won a game or two with them, but are they just too “cute” to deal with? Most builds don’t run red anymore, but playing 1 Stomping Ground and all those Birds makes casting him possible.
One last comment: Linvala is a girl, not a boy. I’m sure she prefers to be called “she” and not “he”. That is all
I am glad you liked the article!
-A few lists ran nekrataal in the main at the pro tour. It’s possible that card is just better, but a 3/2 with fear is better at getting the opponent dead, and evoke can sometimes be necessary if we are tight on mana.
– resto angel is certainly interesting. I will try testing it over the second murderous redcap.
– I don’t like the idea of zealous conscripts. We would have to make room for another five drop in the main, and the situational impact does not make up for the cost.
As for linvala, hopefully she continues to be kind to me despite my horrific blunder
I may stick with Nekrataal for now – I like his Visions artwork better anyways.
Let me know what you decide on Resto Angel. I find her utility has been very strong. She’s got 4 toughness, as well
I think I will cut Conscripts. At the moment I don’t own a Voice of Resurgence, but I know that is really the card that belongs in that slot. This will also enable me to remove red from the deck, which means I can get more greedy with basics and/or utility lands (I really like Bojuka Bog, honestly, with all the graveyard combo shenanigans going on). Thanks for the reply!
Good stuff. I want KoR to be good but agree on a lack of utility lands to make it worthwhile.
-everyone seems to have Obstinate Baloth but no Loxodon Hierarch. In a world without Liliana everywhere (and where you’re often podding into it anyway) it seems like you’d much rather have another card to protect against removal/Anger of the Gods/Supreme Verdict.
-How valuable is the Archangel/Feeder combo? I’ve been running it for awhile but so rarely use it. Feeder is sooo much worse than Finks it’s impossible to justify an early pod into Feeder so then it’s a real late game option once you’ve got a 4 drop you can pod into Archangel. Really debating whether I’d rather open up 2 more slots for great hate cards that are generally useful outside a combo.
– Without DRS to kill and lots of Zoo around Redcap feels much worse. Nekretaal gives you the same pod target at 4 but kills nearly anything outside Affinity and looks real nice with a Township. Not as good to then pod himself but without Archangel at 5 all you’d be podding for is a Reveillark (which can retrieve Nekretaal back) or Shriekmaw.
Hey derelict515
– If UWR strategies continue to dominate then I can see adding loxodon hierarch to go with our burrenton forge tendor. Lily might see a dip in play with fewer jund decks playing fewer copies, but discard is still out there. The 8rack deck could end up getting really popular.
– I encourage you to test without the combo, but you definently don’t want to be using your early pod activations to get them. It is more there for a chord of calling end of turn for one piece > untap > pod for the other piece > win.
– redcap does feel worse, and I can see going to one copy in the future, but I don’t like cutting the card completely. There are rare occasions when infinite life does not win you the game, and it is still a fine value target with birthing pod. His effect may not kill nacatl, but they do still trade in combat
(casual player w/ no Modern experience here)
Nice article; this looks like a challenging but fun deck to play. How does the Kiki-pod version differ?
Excellent question! kiki pod is more of a midrange deck that is much more focused on the combo. The combo’s are simpler in that deck (two card combos instead of 3) and the deck is much more dangerous when birthing pod is drawn. The deck likes to activate birthing pod over and over in a single turn by untapping it with deceiver exarch+clone/blink effects.
I may write another article on kiki-pod, as that is my alternate deck choice for GP richmond
Thank you for the explanation. A kiki-pod article would be interesting IMO. Pod decks appeal to me should I get into Modern at some point. I just got back into the game about a year and a half ago after about a 10-year hiatus, so I currently own essentially no Modern staples and am just beginning to figure out some of the Modern deck lists.
I got this web page from my buddy who told me about this site and now this time I am visiting this site
and reading very informative posts at this place.
You talk about murderous redcap in the explanation, but I don’t see it in the list. What is going wrong?
There are no Murderous Redcaps in the decklist and the sideboard has 16 cards.
The sideboard has fifteen cards. I do not know why the number sixteen appears but I have counted several times to be sure:)
As for redcap….woops!
-1 phyrexian metamorph
-1 cartel aristocrat
+ 2 murderous redcap
Hey, long time pod player here, I have a couple of disagreements. One, in my experience, pod is not a combo deck. It’s a value-based creature toolbox with a combo to threaten. I know pointed out the latter, but in my experience, against everyone but affinity, you’re only going to combo if your opponent is careless or draws dead. And this second part is where Pod shines. It forces your opponent to respect the combo, especially games one and three. They can’t tap out without giving themselves away. Kiki-Pod is the more combo based deck, since it can chain multiple pod activations over the course of a turn.
Also, Archangel/Spikefeeder doesn’t feel as good now that DRS is banned. You can’t quick pump your team and Jund isn’t running 8 MB GY hate.
Hi. Quick question.
WIth the Reveillark + Phyrexian Metamorph + Murderous Recup combo, you say that it cannot work with Kitchen FInks because it has a power of 3.
If Kitchen FInks is already in play when the combo is set up, why can’t it work? The only creature going to the graveyard is Phyrexian Metamorph who will always have a power of 0 in the graveyard.
I feel like I’m missing something here. Please help!
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Asking questions are in fact pleasant thing if you are not understanding anything totally, except this piece of writing offers nice understanding yet.