
#PTBNG: Matthias Hunt Amulet of Vigor Deck List

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Untitled Deck


4 Azusa, Lost but Seeking
4 Primeval Titan
4 Serum VIsions
3 Simian Spirit Guide


4 Summoner's Pact
4 Amulet of Vigor
4 Summer Bloom
2 Pact of Negation
1 Slaughter Pact
2 Hive Mind


4 Simic Growth Chamber
3 Gruul Turf
1 Golgari Rot Farm
1 Boros Garrison
1 Selesnya Sanctuary
1 Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion
3 Tolaria West
1 Cavern of Souls
4 Gemstone Mine
3 City of Brass
1 Tendo Ice Bridge
2 Glimmerpost
1 Slayers' Stronghold
1 Vesuva
1 Forest


4 Seal of Primordium
3 Firespout
3 Leyline of Sanctity
1 Ghost Quarter
1 Bojuka Bog
1 Thragtusk
1 Chalice of the Void
1 Slaughter Pact

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