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There's a Conspiracy brewing, and we all know it.
Of course, the coolest thing about Conspiracy, the draft-ready set coming out this summer, is that many of the cards will be made to be drafted, and as a result not all of them are legal in Legacy, setting a new precedent for Wizards.
So the set is going to be a lot of fun to play. We all know that. What we didn't know, at least until today, is how much of it there would be. Would we be looking at something like From the Vaults, or even Modern Masters, where there's a limited number printed? This is pretty key information, and until today we were guessing.
Mark Rosewater, speaking for Wizards on the matter, announced that the print run won't be limited. That doesn't mean Conspiracy will be around forever, but it does mean they'll print more if stores ask for it, like they did with the most recent Commander product.
Now that we know, we can get back to what's really important. Figuring out what Dack Fayden does!