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Put away your godbooks everyone, we've got the full spoiler!
Going into the weekend, I was thinking the entire spoiler didn't come out until next week. Clearly, though, either I'm an idiot (likely) or someone leaked out the set. I'm going to guess the former.
With the remaining cards, there are no more big surprises, but one I think worth talking about is Felhide Petrifier, if only because the Minotaur deck finally has the pieces to try and form. I don't think it's actually good, mind you, but it's at least out there for people to begin playing around with. Hell, it will be probably be a popular casual or FNM thing regardless.
So what are you waiting for? Enjoy the full spoiler!
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Felhide Petrifier perfect card for my digirido deck… but not sure about standard. even if so what rares would we spec on? the lord seems just meh.