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This cycle of Gods is really shaping up.
In a vacuum I really like Keranos an awful lot. But I feel like this is a card like Phenax and it probably will suffer due to a lack of a deck to go in.
How does this compare to Iroas, the Boros god? Here's our review.
This is a card with very good abilities but in colors where the best cards are instants and sorceries. You can build a Blistercoil Weird, Steamcore Weird, Hypersonic Dragon burn deck, maybe? Ral Zarek helps switch him on, I guess. Still, it seems like you might just want him as a crazy enchantment and don't care about having him be a creature because he doesn't need to attack to ruin their day.
The card advantage from this and the reach generated by this is insane. Izzet is finally getting a good card, which makes me hopeful for Kruphix. Could this buoy cards like Steam Augury, Counterflux and Niv Mizzet, Dracogenius? It is hard to tell, but this is a card that makes me very excited for the set.
Easy runner for best looking foil god so far