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In case you didn't know, every week over at I do a short article titled "Market Watch." The idea is to find undervalued cards that haven't really caught the attention of the general public yet, even if we've been talking about them in the Quiet Speculations forums for awhile.
Anyway, this week I wrote about Akroma, Angel of Fury, the planar-shifted version of the big Angel herself.

The big Angel herself. No, I'm not talking about Avacyn, who has laid claim to the title most recently, but Akroma, the original big-name Angel. Sure, Serra Angel may have been the first, but it's Akroma that came along with a mess of abilities and made players drool at the possibilities.
She was so popular, in fact, that Wizards decided it was time to throw a little chaos into the mix, turning Akroma red in Planar Chaos. And players loved her again, so much so that she was reprinted in the original Commander product.
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