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No deep thoughts or cool links today, but I did do something a little different with my Journey into Nyx prerelease than I usually do, and I thought it worth sharing.
Typically, I go to the LGS that I'm comfortable at, either the one I work out of or another closeby where I have a lot of friends. This is how most of us spend our Prerelease Saturdays, and it's a ton of fun. That said, after a hiccup in the system cost my LGS its shot at a prerelease (seriously don't know why this happens but I was told WOTC doesn't make exceptions any more if there's an error... which sucks). Anyway, no prerelease for me in the usual spot.
So what did I do? Went to Facebook and found a friend in another town, and told him I may be interested in attending. It was a 90-minute drive to make it to Lawton, Oklahoma and Tom's Card Kingdom (check it out if you're in the area), but it was well worth my time. I got to see old friends, meet a bunch of new ones and enjoy a prerelease outside of my comfort zone.
And it was the best decision I've made recently.
The "moral" of the story is this: if you're ever in a situation similar to mine, or even if you aren't, trying something new with Magic. Head to that store across town. Play with a new group of people. Try a new color at your next prerelease. Whatever it is to you, take a risk. Prereleases are meant to be fun, and I can't think of a better way to guarantee that's what happens.