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The Pro Tour has gone through several big changes in its history. Without a doubt, one of the biggest was closing it to spectators a few years ago.
We all (well, some of us) remember the infamous Paul Reitzl double-queueing between the Pro Tour and a Grand Prix when Wizards decided to run both in the same convention hall. Partly because of that, they made the call to close them to spectators. While this didn't exactly hurt Magic, it didn't help, either. The success of games like League of Legends to sell out large venues for people to watch live may have convinced Wizards to revert the policy, and the upcoming Pro Tour Atlanta will be the first Pro Tour where spectators are welcomed back.
And Wizards is going to make sure you can have some fun. Whether it's spellslinging against Pros, drafting with R&D members or just getting a picture of yourself on a token, they're doing what they can to make this a destination event.
It definitely sounds like a step up for the Pro Tour experience, and while I won't be there due to work I could definitely see myself attending a future event.
You can check out the full list of events here.
Legion games having an apparently exclusive single-card booth is a pretty big deal, no?
Is that standard operating procedure for a Pro Tour event?
What’s to stop them from charging whatever the hell they want, especially given that they don’t seem to have an online presence whose reputation they could ruin by gouging?
Spectators, rejoice! The Pro Tour Wants You | Quiet Speculation – Learn. Trade. Profit.
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