This is a way late response and I have no idea if you will even see this but I would advise you to not game at that store anymore as whoever was running that event cheated you out of your rightful God pack and we can all agree that that’s a dick move. From what I understand WoTC stated that if a God pack were to be pulled in a draft format that you are supposed to be able to keep those cards. And all that aside it is legal to drop after opening your pack, allowing you to keep the God pack you got if you chose to do that.
]]>plus, the faces of these guys are priceless, good for them! 😀
]]>The best part was, as word spread, the whole pre-release literally stopped while everyone got a look at the pack and asked questions. The store took pics, etc. and then everyone went back to building their decks.
The only downside, he didn’t fair very well in the tourney. Lol.