
This man is eating a Marsh Flats

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The title says it all. A bet in which a random Redditor said he would eat a Misty Rainforest if Lucent Liminid wasn't in Journey into Nyx.

Guess what? It wasn't. And it's time to pay up.

Apparently he doesn't own a Misty, so there's a Marsh Flats sitting in to do the job.

So does it taste like a Plains or a Swamp? Most of us will never find out.
So does it taste like a Plains or a Swamp? Most of us will never find out.

Here is the link to the Reddit thread he made, as well as the time and date he'll eat the Marsh Flats. Spoilers: It's April 19, 2014 (today) at 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time.

Enjoy. Or something.

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Corbin Hosler

Corbin Hosler is a journalist living in Norman, Oklahoma (also known as the hotbed of Magic). He started playing in Shadowmoor and chased the Pro Tour dream for a few years, culminating in a Star City Games Legacy Open finals appearance in 2011 before deciding to turn to trading and speculation full-time. He writes weekly at and biweekly for LegitMTG. He also cohosts Brainstorm Brewery, the only financial podcast on the net. He can best be reached @Chosler88 on Twitter.

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5 thoughts on “This man is eating a Marsh Flats

  1. There’s a spectacular video somewhere (on YouTube I think) where this poor bastard eats a Jace, the Mind Sculptor–He had foolishly bet it wouldn’t hit $100 in Standard.

    He puts it in a blender and tries to mask the taste with ice cream or something.

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