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First of all, we now know what the blank card that was shown on spoilers is.
Conspiracies are like generals or like Vanguard cards, whichever you remember better. There are quite a few conspiracies spoiled. I assume they will be in booster packs and be draftable. I like this concept. Will putting them in the Command zone mean they're EDH legal? Who knows?
The other big news revolves around some expensive cards.
A) Conspiracy has foils.
Conspiracy has Brainstorm
C) Therefore, Conspiracy has foil Brainstorm.
And foil Swords to Plowshares
And foil Reito Lantern.
Expect the hype around this set to intensify.
There are some exciting cards and we'll get to them this week and as they're spoiled. For now, be very excited.
Do you think holding sealed boxes is a play or are we just better off picking up foil singles?
I think it matters whether it\’s a limited release. MaRo seemed to indicate it isn\’t, but stores are telling us anecdotally that they\’re getting heavily allocated on the product. Who knows?
So, mythics will be FoW and Wasteland? Finally.