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Hey, all!
If you read my work but stopped 6 months ago, you may not know that I'm an EDH guy now. This happened when I realized it made a lot of financial sense to start hanging out with EDH players and stash pimp EDH cards that take a long time to sell in decks instead of letting them rot in boxes. More people see your pimp cards over the course of a game than go through your binders and boxes. I don't regret my decision to start jamming EDH and you should give it a try if you haven't already.
To wit, I came across a reddit post an Ultra Pro representative made to promote a contest they're doing. Players and fans can vote on their favorite EDH cards and the winner at the top of the heap when voting concludes will be put on a special deckbox and sleeves. Not too shabby! I voted, and you can, too. The link to the facebook voting is in the description of the post I linked. This is a fun thing to do and you should go vote.
Who do I hope wins it all?
Like you even had to ask.
Make sure to vote and make my Maelstrom Wanderer Sleeve dreams a reality.
Please vote your conscience. You know, for my choice.