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A lot has been made of Wizards' newest set, Conspiracy. We're all looking forward to drafting it and playing with the sweet new cards. And, of course, Dack Fayden. The idea of a new set with cool new mechanics made specifically for drafting and not for Standard or Eternal play is somewhat novel and definitely a lot of fun.
Of course, there's one thing lost in all this talk of cool new cards: How do we actually play with them? How do we physically draft the set? And just how do these multiplayer games work in a draft? For all the talk I've seen about how fun it will be to draft and play Conspiracy, there hasn't been nearly enough talk about how to actually play and draft Conspiracy.
Luckily, the Mothership has us covered. Sam Stoddard has us covered, as he changes how the set overcomes some of the normal limitations of drafting. It's well worth a read.