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As someone who's been playing Magic for about five years, you may not have expected that I played much Vintage. After all, who really does?
And, to be fair, it's not like I'm slinging Moxes all over. I've never owned a piece of power (closest I've come is a Bazaar of Baghdad in my personal collection), I don't love Workshops and I've never attacked a Jace with a Slash Panther. That said, when I was GP Vegas last year someone was nice enough (or desperate enough just to play), so he loaned me his Vintage deck and we went to town.
It was interesting, to say the least. Much like Legacy, the reality does not match perception. It's not all about Black Lotus into Turn 1 wins. It's deeper and more fun than that.
That said, no one ever really gets a chance to play Vintage because of how rare the cards are.
Until now.
Vintage Masters is coming to Magic Online, and I'm sure it's going to be awesome. Spoilers started rolling in for the set, and you can find the full, up-to-date list on the Mothership here.
Enjoy some Vintage!
Slash Panther OP, plz nerf