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Again, I'll be up front that I'm not sure exactly this is important, but it is kind of fun.
After all, who doesn't want to deal damage that you can only calculate in powers of 10?
If you don't recall the last time we looked at this, the goal is to build a seven-card hand that can do the most amount of damage on Turn 1, all without an infinite combo. Last time, there were some graveyard loops involved to attack with a lot of hasty tokens, and the new record looks a lot the same. Except this time, it rolls with this guy.
We also get to use a card from Journey into Nyx for this combination: Twinflame.
It's simple (as simple as these things get, anyway). Show and Tell into Omniscience on Turn 1, and then proceed to go nuts with some complicated interaction. In case you've ever wondered just how to deal ALL THE DAAMGE on Turn 1 without going infinite, here's the breakdown.
You did not read junktroller right it places cards on the bottom so u cannot redraw the twinflame