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We've all seen some bad promos in our time. Xathrid Gorgon. Scourge of Fleets. Geist of Saint Traft.
Wait, what?
This is definitely the best promo we've seen in a while. And if you don't count judge foils, maybe the best widely-available since Restoration Angel? Then again, this is a Mythic, so the right comparison may actually be Ajani Vengeant.
So how do you get one these sweet promos? You play in a World Magic Cup Qualifier. If you're in the U.S., that means you have three chances. You can find the full list of events here, and good luck if you choose to compete!
Does this bury the chance of Geist becoming a good spec in the next 1-2 years?
I don’t think so. There won’t be infinite of these.
This is, quite arguably, some of the best artwork I have ever seen! I must own one