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Soul Of Innistrad
This one is actually not that bad, especially compared to the rest of them. Getting milled for a ton will give you a chance to make lemonade of said lemons when you get 3 creatures back in your grip. Having a reusable way to cycle your dudes is also going to give your opponents fits, especially if you have a way to discard cards for value. Deathtouch on a 6/6 is just as superfluous as it as on Grave Titan but I'll take it. This is the only one in the cycle so far that I like.
Sliver Hive
Do you want to know the exact effect casual demand has on a card? Watch the price trajectory of this card. It's going to be a case study on casual demand. This card is an auto-include in Sliver EDH decks, obviously, but it could see play in 4-of casual sliver decks. This is very, very good and very, very narrow. I am really mostly excited about this card because of the information it's bound to tell us and because foils of this will be absurd. I expect the demand for the foils to be slightly understated initially, but will still likely be too high to want to buy in for cash. Expect me to give periodic updates about this card's price because I think it will be enormously instructive.
Finally, a bit of good news.
Liliana of the Veil
Just kidding. Vess is reprinted in M15. This is good news for two reasons.
- They didn't reprint Liliana of the Veil
- They didn't reprint Liliana of the Dark Realms
Those are both good thing. LotV would ruin Standard, and LotDR is a big bag of "Who gives a $&%?" and we don't need to have that in every core set.
Three exciting announcements to perk us up on a Tuesday. How lucky can one guy be?