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We saw the spoiler art a while back, and now it's official: there are some beautiful new lands entering circulation through the judge program.
The new lands, with art done by Terese Nielsen, are as awesome-looking as advertised. I'm not a member of the judge program, but I hope that these soften the blow of the removal of Judge Foil packets from Grand Prix.
Thanks to Art Halavais on Twitter, we now have some confirmation of these things.
I don't know exactly what the opening price will be, but it's going to be worth it, in all likelihood. These things are great, and people who want them are going to want enough of them to fill out decks.
Curious to know what the “dispute” was that these attempt to resolve. Maybe complaints that not everyone was getting the previous packets from GPs?
Hey I took that pic and posted it on twitter first. moxzzz. I can’t believe all my internet points got stolen by arthur havalatadingdong!
*sorry, I’m going to check the mail first*
Actually, 2 sets were sold @ ~120$ each for now… But it may rise, or crash.
5K Judges are actually concerned.
I hope I’ll get my pack in time 😛
Foil Judge Lands Confirmed | Quiet Speculation – Learn. Trade. Profit.