
Insider Video: Zwischenzug Cube Draft #3

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Last weeks winner for the VMA booster is M Leshrac. Please get in touch with me so I can give you your prize. Paul Nemeth on the QS Forums,, or Zwischenzug on Magic Online.

Congratulations M Leshrac!

Drafting & Deck Building

There was an error retrieving a chart for Garruk Relentless

Round 1

There was an error retrieving a chart for Cryptic Command

Round 2

There was an error retrieving a chart for Scalding Tarn

Round 3

There was an error retrieving a chart for Supreme Verdict

Please leave a comment! I'm happy to discuss other lines of play, methods of managing the draft, or whatever else is on your mind.

5 thoughts on “Insider Video: Zwischenzug Cube Draft #3

  1. Great matches, enjoyed your thought process. Worth noting: Cube runs from July 17 to 25, while the 35 phantom points are awarded during the downtime on July 23rd. So there isn’t much time to put these to use if you want to play Cube but not M15 pre-release.

  2. At 12 minutes in the finals, could you have faith’s fetters the O-Stone and Cryptic to counter the Kami and tap the sun titan? I mean I know the line you took worked out as well, but in this case you keep the O-Ring?

    1. Thank you! Yes, that would have been a significantly better line, particularly since I would get to keep Future Sight. For anyone else who is trying to follow along, Cryptic counter Kami + tapping the Sun Titan works because it buys time to cast Journey on the Sun Titan.

      Also, M Leshrac please contact me on Magic Online on my Zwischenzug account so I can give you the VMA booster you won.

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