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Each pre-release, we compile a list of the valuable cards from the new set and put them into a handy, printer-friendly document. The goal is to give everyone quick, easy access to price information when they go to their pre-release events. This keeps trading fair, and more importantly, who wants to mess with their phone to look up prices at 3AM? Not me.
You can view the cheat sheet in your browser here, or print it using the link below. It's got all the cards that currently retail (via TCGPlayer "Mid" price) for a dollar or more. The left-hand column is sorted by price, so you can see what's most valuable at a glance. The right-hand column is sorted alphabetically so you can quickly look up your cards.
I highly encourage you to print off a dozen copies of this and bring them to the pre-release.
Because a lot of new, or returning players come to pre-releaess. This is your chance to be an ambassador for the game and to help them avoid bad experiences. It's tough to get ripped off in a trade when the prices of your cards are staring you in the face all night. Heck, print 2 dozen.
Download the PDF
[gview file="../../wp-content/uploads/2014/07/QS-M15-Cheat-Sheet.pdf"]
Magic 2015 Prerelease Price Cheat Sheet | Quiet Speculation – Learn. Trade. Profit.
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