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They told us we were getting one of the best Slivers ever printed, and they weren't joking.
I have a few quick thoughts on this. First, this thing is nuts. It's probably not going to make too much of an impact in Standard due to the mana constraints, but I'm sure that people will try (and it should be fun to watch). But this thing is insane in Sliver Commander. One of the most efficient ways to deal with Slivers is to Wrath them since they need a critical mass, but having access to this guy changes that. Seeing this almost makes me want to build one myself, so you know they're doing something right. You can find the full reveal article here.
Now, finance. I'm not sure where this thing will pre-sale at, but it's sure to be high. But give it a few months after the hype dies down, and suddenly you're looking at an insane long-term target, particularly foils. After all, every Sliver deck in the world wants this card.
Basically, Magic 2015 is shaping up to be a gold mine, the #hypetrain is real and I'm on it.
All aboard.