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After pulling a pair of Garruks and a Nissa, Worldwaker, as well as a foil Sliver Hive, from my box of Magic 2015 I thought I was doing pretty good. After all, who wouldn't be happy with that box?
Then a I saw this one.
The lucky recipient of this box claims that a packaging error left it full of Rares and Mythics. I'm not convinced that it's an error or if Wizards just puts a few of these out on the market in the hope of people like us seeing it and trying our luck as well, but I know it worked out for this guy. You can read his story and see the rest of his good fortune here.
With boxes like those I think its safe to assume speccing on M15 is out. Lol. Dat supply.
Lol, fair point 😉
So thats where all the good cards from my sealed packs went…
So that’s where my rare went, at a pre-release I opened a pack and it didn’t have a rare, just a 4th uncommon 🙁 luckily the owner traded my pack for another pack, and I got a phyrexian soul. So that was great.