
3 thoughts on “Insider: Developing Modern Grixis Delver

  1. The problem with Grixis Delver right now is that the lack of Onslaught fetchlands in Modern costs it one of its color pairs in fetches, and Delver needs to be centered around blue in general. You end up eating about a bolts worth of life per game to your own mana base, and just straight die to Blood Moon a lot of the time where UR delver can use it to steal a lot of wins. If ONS fetches were in Modern, UB and Grixis Delver would have a much better shot of being relevant decks, even if only as meta calls.

    1. Absolutely agree that fetches help. I almost always bolt myself with izzet though, and it seldom matters. Bob is a factor there though. The fetches would absolutely make Blood Moon way less if an issue though.

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