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We all like Jace, but we know the cutest one is definitely the plushie toy, right?
Okay, maybe not. But in case that is your thing, I have some good news for you.
Also coming are Gideon, Kiora and maybe more. Look, I know most of us players don't care even a little about these things, but they are an important part of Wizards' overall marketing strategy, and on that note I'm all for them.
After all, who doesn't want a tiny toy Bolas?
I have the Chandra from the original series and I love having it on my desk. I’m tempted to shell out the money for a few more from the first series. I’ll definitely be interested in getting Nicol Bolas.
I had not thought of these as marketing materials. What a great thing for the brand these are. Wizards can break even on these and Magic still wins. When someone sees these next to Avengers or Game of thrones characters they won’t think of Magic as a niche hobby for the geekiest of geeks but as one of the great entertainment brands.
What else these signify is spoilers. Remember when the original 6 came out everyone had a fit over a grey Garruk and Nissa, those were spoilers. This has Nikol Bolas, and Sarkhan Vol, along with Gideon, Kiora, Tezzeret, and Elspeth.
two are from last bock, one is Gideon, and the other three all tie in together from a story prospective. I would put my money on a new Bolas, Tezzeret, and Sarkhan Vol. I would not be surprised with a new Gideon honestly. I can see Bolas, Tez, and Vol all being Wedge colors that may be a stretch but that is some speculation on my part.