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The Prerelease is now just a week away, and it feels like this spoiler season went by super fast. Not that it wasn't awesome. There's a million new goodies to check out in the full spoiler, but if you're more interested in just your favorite Clan, I've got something for you.
I more of a Junk... I mean "Abzhan" player myself, since it's the colors of my favorite Commander deck, Karador. It can be hard to tell which cards belong to which Clan, but here's a handy cheatsheet you can check out, for the entire set and all five Clans.
Good ! / Is a person / cool !
Wonderful exnaplation of facts available here.
Det tredje benet kan ju fungera bÃ¥de som roder och trampolin, sÃ¥ nÃ¥gon borde ju kunna hitta pÃ¥ rätt häftiga trix i parÃ¥kningen…